Role of the Skip


  • Ability to play all shots.

  • Communicate the selected shot to all team members to play.

  • Have good body language. (when in the head do not put hands on hips or arms folded across your chest. Be open and positive to your players on the mat.)

  • Support and encourage the team regardless of the score.

  • Ability to assess heads and identify any risks.

  • Have good communications with all team members.

  • Record results on score card and update the scoreboard regularly. Check score on scorecard with opponent regularly (at least every 3 ends).


Body language is an essential part of success in a game of bowls. Good body language intimidates the opposition and supports your teammates. There is positive and negative body language in bowls.


  • positivity towards team provides them with confidence and enthusiasm.

  • standing tall, clapping, supporting your team provides positive preasence on the green.


  • dropping shoulders and negative verbal comments to your team members.

  • not talking to team members or lack of communication with them.

  • quiet on the green.

With your presence being positive you are not only a threat to the opposition but you are providing your team with the positivity and encouragement that they require.


Here are some drills and skill development exercises for skips (and others). Click on the name to open the file.