Grand Veteran/Novice Pairs Tournament Signup 2025 - Wednesday March 12 9:45 - 2:30

To signup for the Grand Veteran/Novice Pairs Tournament please complete the entry form below. Open to all Grand bowlers.  Teams must be composed of one novice bowler (less than 3 years of lawn bowling experience) and one veteran (any other Grand bowler).  Depending upon the number of entries we will bowl a series of games to determine the winners.  Bring your own lunch.  Enter your team in the form below and click submit.  

Typically a veteran bowler will ask a novice bowler to team up with them.  However, a novice can ask a veteran as well.  A list of eligible novice bowlers has been posted on the back of the clubroom door. If you do not feel comfortable asking someone to bowl with you you can enter as an individual by entering your name into the Veteran or Novice field (depending upon which you are) and entering NONE in the other name field. We will find you a partner!

(Please note that if you have a gmail account you may see it listed below and give you an option to switch your account. You do NOT need to switch it. Just make sure to put the email address that you want to use for event communications and updates in the Your Email Address field.) The email address you enter will be the one used for communication purposes to your team.

This event is open to all Grand Lawn Bowlers.

Entry Form

To complete the entry form click here.

List of Entries

You can see who all has entered by clicking here. (Please note, it may take up to five minutes for your name to appear on the list after you have completed the entry form.)